Research - SC 澳门六合彩开奖结果2023



澳门六合彩开奖结果2023 conducts rigorous research on issues relevant to young children and school readiness in South Carolina. We share our findings to improve the efficacy of early childhood programs and promote better outcomes for young children and their families.

Research and Evaluation Reports

Explore reports, briefs, and publications produced by 澳门六合彩开奖结果2023

Peer Reviewed Publications

澳门六合彩开奖结果2023 staff contribute to advancements in the field of early childhood, presenting at regional and national conferences and publishing in peer-reviewed journals. Below is a sample of their recent publications.


Explore news and insights about early childhood from media outlets and partners across the nation.

How much additional child care does South Carolina need? Researchers from the Bipartisan Policy Center analyzed the supply and potential need among families in 25 states, including South Carolina.

This state data profile is intended to provide a snapshot of the risk factors experienced by children of South Carolina and services reaching the children and families for whom they are intended.

This state profile provides a snapshot of how infants, toddlers, and their families are faring in three policy domains (Good Health, Strong Families, Positive Early Learning Experiences).

For more information, or to submit a data request, contact

Chelsea Richard, PhD, MSPH

Director of Research and Strategy